Thank you for evaluating AMIDiag. We hope that you have enjoyed the demo version and will purchase the complete copy. The complete version will include loop-back plugs for the most effective serial and parallel port testing. It will also test PCI, EISA, and all the new processors including DX4's and P54C. The package also now includes virus scanning by McAffee & Associates. If you have any technical questions on the software, please call (404) 246-8645. If you would like to order the upgrade to the full version, the cost is $49.95 + shipping. Please call (800) 828-9264-8623 or (404) 263-8181-8623 and mention special offer #1007. Or you can fax or mail the following order form. Our fax number is (404) 263-9381. Our address is... American Megatrends, Inc. Attn. Diag Upgrade Offer 6145-F Northbelt Parkway Norcross, GA 30071 Diag Upgrade Offer Name______________________________ Address___________________________ ___________________________ City________________State_________ Zip_______________________________ Country___________________________ Credit (Visa/MC) Card#_____________________________ Exp.#_____________________________ Qty_______* $49.95 = $____________ Tax (Ga Residents) = $____________ Shipping ($5 US) = $____________ International shipping will be automatically added to credit card Total = $____________